About Us

Herbal medicine has been gaining traction as a good alternative healthcare solution on a global scale. Your fertility journey is not something you should do alone. With years of recorded success stories, we are here to walk your journey with you, ensuring that you get your own happy ending. Natural herbs are as old as time and administered by trained and licensed professionals, it is a trusted alternative medicine. Understanding the formulation of healing herbs will enable you embrace the usefulness and ease that comes with choosing effective healthcare solutions. With production in Italy, our bases extend to Nigeria and other countries where we source for medicinal plants with the efficacy to cure, treat and relief identified health conditions. With budget friendly products, we have built a community where you can find safe, affordable and effective natural herbal solutions. Our distributors are in different countries around the world, providing easier delivery options for you.

Moretti Joy

I grew up in a home where herbal medicine was the first option for any illness. My grandmother was the recognized herbal practitioner in our locality and I’d watch people from far and wide, troupe to our home for her diagnosis and treatment options. Watching her source for, identify, and harvest herbs that would end up as medicinal supplements for people, was a wonder and this defined the path I’d take. I’d watch from indoors as they trouped back to thank her. I wanted to heal the way she could.

As an adult, I recognized how evolved the world has become and the center stage science has taken for herbal medicine practitioners like me. Knowledge of the existence and administration of herbal plants was no more enough; I needed scientific knowledge on the human anatomy, existing ailments, and the proper administration of herbal medicine as alternative medicine. I went back to get my degree and today, I am a UK and Italy licensed herbal medicine practitioner with a company licensed to produce and administer herbal products.

My joy comes from seeing the health journeys of individuals and families change for the better, especially on sexual and reproductive health.

Moretti Joy